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Feel empowered.
Start today!

I help women, like you, to feel less overwhelmed, stop people pleasing and raise their self worth.

Package 1
You are worthy!

Self-worth empowerment coaching package.

This package is for you if you:

  • ​want to feel less overwhelmed, stuck and anxious.
    You want to learn better boundaries.  Learn to say no and become more assertive.
    You want to learn how to rioritise yourself in a busy overwhelming world.
    you want to embrace change and decision making with greater courage.



Package 2


Empowered you!  (£550)


Providing an initial 60 minutes session to explore how I can help you.


We then go on and I provide: 


6 x 45 minute sessions every two weeks.


With this package I provide you with detailed notes after each session PLUS unlimited email support PLUS tailored action steps to help you to truly change your life and feel empowered.



Together we will take wider perspective of your life.  We examine those limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back and we work to re-wire those negative habitual thought loops.


We look at where you can put boundaries in place.  How to prioritise yourself and stop putting other people first.


Sound good?


Let's get started!


I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are.

Robb Walters

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